Former Education Ministry PS Lamaro is sacrificial Lamb, says official

Ketty Lamaro, the former education ministry PS making apresentetion at a recent event

HABARI DAILY I Kampala, Uganda I  All is not well for former Education and Sports Permanent Secretary, Ketty Lamaro, as she lost her job under unclear circumstances.

A highly placed source intimated to Habari Daily that the former public servant ruffled some feathers in the ministry and treaded on forbidden territory.

“Obviously, she is the sacrificial lamb. She just had to go so that blood of the innocent in the ministry is appeased,” said the official on condition of anonymity. He refused to divulge more details.

President Yoweri Museveni, at the beginning of last week, went ahead to make significant changes to his team of Permanent Secretaries. Dropping one and appointing one

Lynette Bagonza was appointed the new PS for the Ministry of Trade.

This was a reward for Bagonza, who has served as Under Secretary for 14 years. He replaced Geraldine Ssali, who was recently charged in the Anti-Corruption Court over the loss of cooperatives finances.

Museveni also reappointed eight other Permanent Secretaries on a 3-year term three years.

These include Gen David Kasura, who will continue to serve as PS for the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. Gen Joseph Musanyufu, on the other hand, will remain PS for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while Jane Barekye will remain  State House Comptroller, and Amina Zawedde will remain PS for the Ministry of ICT.

Irene Batebe was retained for the post of PS for the Ministry of Energy, and Ramathan Goobi will continue to serve as PS for the Ministry of Finance.

The President also reappointed Adolf Mwesige as Clerk to Parliament for another 3 years.

The recent move followed the recent performance assessment conducted by the Public Service Commission, which saw some of the officials wanting. It also recommended the reappointment of several officials.

With the changes, President Museveni has signaled his intention to retain a strong team to implement his policies and programs.

Lamaro, whose replacement is yet to be announced in the all-important ministry. Whoever tries to fit into her hot shoes, as the move has been seen as a move to strengthen the government’s team ahead of the next election cycle.

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