Sheila Gashumba May be seeing another man

Socialite Sheilah Gashumba with ex boyfriend Derrick Ddungu, commonly known as Rickman Manrick

HABARI DAILY I Kampala, Uganda I After cohabiting with her former lover for three years, which led to a monstrous break up, Sheilah Gashumba is suspected to be seeing another lover.

Our grapevine said the lover, whose name we are yet to confirm, has been in Sheilah’s circle for years, pausing as a family friend.

Three weeks ago, Sheilah shocked fellow socialites by disclosing that she and Rickman Manrick, who has been her lover for three full years of blissful romance, were no longer an item.

She revealed that she and Rickman, whose real name is Derrick Ddungu, were no longer seeing each other face to face.

Socialite Sheilah Gashumba with ex boyfriend Derrick Ddungu, commonly known as Rickman Manrick

“Our journey was filled with love, laughter, and personal growth, but we have now mutually agreed to part ways,” she posted on social media.

She further said they have reached a mutual decision to respectfully go their separate ways, understanding that their paths diverge.

Reflecting on their time together, Sheila expressed gratitude for the experiences they shared.

Sheila requested for privacy as she focuses on personal growth, career aspirations, and nurturing meaningful friendships.

“I am currently single and not actively seeking a new relationship. My primary focus is on personal growth and pursuing my career goals,” she had asserted then.

Socialite Sheilah Gashumba having a memorable moment with ex boyfriend Derrick Ddungu, commonly known as Rickman Manrick

But information reaching Habari Daily is that she was only single for a few days after the breakup, and is now moving out with a new lover.

This site will soon carry pictures of Sheila and her new lover, who our snoop says has been waiting in the wings for several years, and everyone knows her as her relative.

“People will be surprised that he is not a new face. He has been here for years, and we suspect would have been one of the reasons Sheilah split with her boyfriend, whom she had promised to introduce to her parents later this year,” says our source.

Earlier this year, there were discussions about the possibility of taking their relationship to the next level. As things have turned out, this was never meant to be

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