Business savvy Ugandans can benefit from online Hi-Innovator course                      

HABARI DAILY I Kampala, Uganda I Having a heavy schedule is no longer reason enough to deter someone from acquiring knowledge online, through the help of the Internet.

NSSF, which usually associates itself with business savvy individuals who are concerned about saving for the future, foresaw the need for online learning. That’s why 8 years ago, they

In partnership with Outbox Uganda and Mastercard Foundation, NSSF unveiled the Hi-Innovator online learning, which is aimed at inspiring entrepreneurs and those who want to better prepare for their accelerator opportunities to leverage flexible self-directed actionable learning.

Sharon Nabweteme, the NSSF public relations officer, says that this package upskills aspiring entrepreneurs and enables them to get their businesses ready.

She said all those who aspire to take part in their accelerator programme are required to participate in the online pre-accelerator. “For the beneficiaries to enroll for the online course, they visit https://hi and Select ‘Enroll for Free’ to sign up.

Nabweteme further says that once they sign up and commits themselves to attending to the very end, it takes beneficiaries approximately 45 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete a module and two weeks to complete the entire eight modules

The entire course, which happens online, is self-guided. The beneficiaries are expected to undertake the course with their team members. They eventually walk away with a Certificate of Completion.

Business Academy

In order to receive a certificate of completion, one is supposed to submit all the required assignments before the final day of the course. This intensive course tackles the critical business foundational gaps hindering business’ sustained growth.

Participating in the business academy further nurtures entrepreneurs and enables them to migrate from infancy to accelerated growth. “To effect this migration, beneficiaries are provided with a three–pronged mechanism, which firstly includes entrepreneurial training. This is provided through self-directed online learning via the Hi-innovator Business Academy.”

The academy provides foundational business knowledge to entrepreneurs. Topics covered include Financial Literacy, Compliance, Career Planning, among others.

Additionally, beneficiaries are provided with seed funding. They are only able to access the 75m each upon successfully completing training from the academy, pitching, and due diligence.

Beneficiaries are also availed with business development services with support from entrepreneurship support organisations/innovation hubs.

Nabweteme further says that the business also has to have evidence of 100% completion of the Hi-Innovator Business Academy course, adding that businesses in all sectors are eligible to participate.

There are countless benefits the participants are set to earn, in addition to the training and seed capital. These include tailored technical support to be availed to all participants, mentorship and peer-peer learning opportunities, investor networking sessions, in addition to forward and backward market linkages.

This unique incubation process allows entrepreneurs to preserve capital and gain external support to accelerate their businesses growth. This is likely to help Ugandans become self-driven business owners.

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