Drama as Gumisiriza, husband to Dr. Kluthum Muzaata is arrested

Kampala, Uganda HABARI DAILY I Eng. Akram, a well-known socialite in the city, now finds himself in the custody of the local police. This dramatic arrest comes as a result of grave accusations lodged against him by a distressed woman. 

She has alleged that Eng. Akram threatened her life with a menacing machete, prompting her to seek safety and justice through a formal complaint filed at the Katwe Police Station. The incident has left the community in a state of disbelief, as they await further developments in this troubling case.

Gumisiriza, the husband of Dr. Kluthum Nabunya Muzaata, the former wife of the late Sheikh Nuhu Muzaata Batte, has since been detained by the authorities on allegations of making violent threats. 

The late Sheikh Nuhu Muzaata Batte was well-known as the head of Dawa in the office of the Supreme Mufti in Kibuli and passed away in December 2020. Gumisiriza and Nabunya tied the knot on December 18, 2022, in a union that has now taken an unexpected and disturbing turn.

The Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango, confirmed that the police have launched an investigation into the case and have taken Gumisiriza into custody at the Katwe Police Station. The complaint, lodged by Rema Mwiiza, 31, has sent ripples through the community as the details of the incident have begun to emerge.

Preliminary findings from the police suggest that Gumisiriza offered Mwiiza a ride, picking her up from Salaama Road on a fateful Tuesday. He then drove her to a residence in Makindye. However, upon arriving at the darkened location, Mwiiza refused to exit the vehicle, allegedly provoking an enraged reaction from Gumisiriza.

Onyango stated that Gumisiriza is believed to have taken a panga (machete) and threatened to harm Mwiiza, prompting her to call for police assistance by raising an alarm. Police officers from Salaama Road promptly arrived at the scene, where Gumisiriza demanded that Mwiiza delete any videos she may have recorded. However, a search of her phone by the officers failed to uncover any such videos.

Both individuals were subsequently taken to the police station, where they provided their statements regarding the incident. As of the latest update, Gumisiriza remains in police custody, awaiting appropriate charges.

According to sources familiar with the case, the altercation and threats escalated after the two individuals failed to agree on the terms of their encounter. Mwiiza reported that they initially met at Calendar House and Bar in Makindye on Tuesday night, engaging in a brief conversation. 

Gumisiriza then offered her a lift and drove her towards Munyonyo, where they had initially planned to locate a guest house. However, confusion arose when the suspect allegedly diverted to his own residence in Munyonyo, leading to the confrontation that ultimately resulted in the police being called.

In a curious twist, it was reported that Gumisiriza, when summoned to Katwe Police Station on Wednesday, accused Mwiiza of attempting to steal his car. Meanwhile, Gumisiriza’s wife, Nabunya, is said to be abroad on a business trip, further complicating the situation.

As the investigation unfolds, this case has gripped the public’s attention, casting a spotlight on the personal lives and relationships of those involved. Further details are anticipated as the legal proceedings progress

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